Tadoku Round 4: Let’s Get This Party Started!


That, my friends, is exactly why you need Tadoku.

Let Tadoku Get Back Into You Get Back Into Tadoku!

It’s registration time, and everyone knows the drill (you SHOULD by now!). If not, though, this entry outlines a lot of the basic rules as well as the registration procedure, which I’ll graciously put here:

Registering for Tadoku contests usually (unless I am unable to open them for some reason) starts 15 days before the start of the round and closes midway into the contest. Participants are restricted to 3 reading languages in order to ensure that they get to read extensively in each language.  When you sign up you will let the bot know you are registering by using the #reg tag followed by what languages(separated with a semicolon) you plan on reading in. Example:

“@TadokuBot #reg #lang1; #lang2; #lang3″

If you only intend on reading  Japanese you simply submit “@TadokuBot #reg”. This will set your language to JP automatically.

If you only plan on reading 2 languages simply remove “; #lang3″ from the first example : “@TadokuBot #reg #lang1; #lang2″.  Participants that only plan on reading one language (that isn’t Japanese) simply remove everything behind #lang1.  If your attempt to register is successful the bot should send you back a message confirming that you have registered.

Personal Goals

Well, I don’t have many goals or materials that I will have prepped to read. Most of my work will come out of my assigned readings–and this includes Classical Chinese and Japanese–so I will be going off of that. Not much time for other media, though I’ll stick in some video games and movies when I can.

Mostly, I am going this round to kind of gauge how much reading I actually do in a given month of graduate school in Taiwan, so I am kind of excited to see the results.

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