Put on a lil’ music Followup

So, it’s been roughly a month since I started studying songs and lyrics using this method, and I just wanted to do a quick report on the results.

Today I was taking the bus back from school and I found myself with a song in my head. It was one I had studied through Anki and that method, and found that, while I had a few lines stuck in my head, I was able to actually continue the lyrics on in order! Even after splitting them up into Anki, I found I was able to follow the progression of the song.

Anyway, it was the way that it came to be. I was signing it subconsciously without trying, and then when I thought about, I was able to continue on. Really quite pleased with the results!

2 responses to “Put on a lil’ music Followup”

    • Actually, I’ve been continuing with this! I’ve been putting other music in there I like (Eason Chan, cartoon theme songs..) but only when I’m motivated enough to do it. The way I do it is rather time consuming. I have to say, though, there are noticeable results still, and going karaoke with my friends leaves me less embarrassed than usual!!

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